Global leader in smartphone manufacturing, consumer electronics, and software

Centific trained a foundational model at scale by employing PhD-level domain experts and data scientists for the collection, curation, and testing of complex, high-quality code.


Centific trained a foundational model at scale by employing PhD-level domain experts and data scientists for the collection, curation, and testing of complex, high-quality code.


To achieve the organization’s goals, the client needed vast amounts of high-quality human-generated data across multiple languages, all of which needed to exceed established quality thresholds.  


  • Centific scoped the client’s data needs in greater detail and suggested the kind of data needed for the model to achieve the desired outputs. 
  • Existing process automation with Centific made it possible to streamline the rapid acquisition of domain-certified human experts. 
  • Centific’s quality checks, built into our processes, ensured high-quality throughput that met the client's delivery timeline. 


This project resulted in substantial improvements to the quality and usability of the client’s GenAI training data, allowing for greater flexibility and control throughout the development process.