Empowering a CPG Leader with a Scalable Framework for AI and ML Success

With Centific as a partner, our client adopted a sustainable and repeatable approach to enterprise-level intelligent systems.
Two IT professionals examining a laptop screen in a server room.

A leading US-based Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) company, our client was no stranger to ML and AI model development. However, its approach was “artisan-like” and lacked the flexibility and repeatability to be sustainable at scale.  What was needed was a framework for model development fit for the AI-powered enterprise.

With our AI, ML, and data experts at the lead, Centific went hands-on with the client to conceive and implement a new framework for model building – one that could go beyond the one-off AI product and usher in a business truly enabled by AI.

Key Successes

  • Developed an end-to-end AI/ML framework
  • Leveraged Microsoft Azure for enterprise-level capabilities
  • United key AI/ML contributors across the organization

Intelligence at Scale

When the client engaged Centific, its approach to developing AI and ML systems didn't equitably involve its key people, processes, and technologies. Misalignment was inevitable, and unnecessary inefficiencies resulted in staggered, asynchronous model building.

To solve for this, our team developed an end-to-end MLOps platform tailored to the client’s underlying infrastructure complexities and with the goal of greater collaboration. Our aim: Unite all the key players across the enterprise to create a capable center of AI excellence.

With this platform implemented, greater collaboration accelerated the development cycle of AI applications and increased the client’s ability to respond to changing consumer need, market competition, and internal expectations.

Powered by Azure MLOps by Centific

To ensure success at the enterprise level, our team chose cloud service suite, Microsoft Azure, to serve as the platform’s foundation. Equipped with Azure’s cloud computing tools and capabilities, we were able to implement scalable MLOps and infuse intelligence across the client’s ranks. Services implemented include:

  • Azure ML Pipelines to accelerate building and maintaining ML workflows
  • Azure DevOps for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD)
  • Infrastructure as Code to automate resource creation and maintenance
  • Azure Functions to automatically retrain models upon data refresh and scale according to idle resources.

The result: accelerated deployment cycles, automated model building and training, and always-on monitoring for ML and AI model analysis.


When it engaged the Centific team, this CPG leader was ready to step up its capabilities in intelligent systems. With MLOps from Centific, the client now enjoys new, cutting-edge capabilities at the enterprise level. Scalable, sustainable intelligence is no longer a fantasy for the future – it’s the reality, today.

  • Contributed nearly USD $50 million in bottom-line profitability.
  • Increased company sales forecasting accuracy by more than 20%.
  • Now managing over 50% of the company trade and more than 60% of the volumes forecasting.